Monday, May 16, 2011

Calvin Lane Frampton

We have a new addition to our family! Calvin was born May 6 at 10:02am. Everything happened alot quicker this time. The day before I thought my water had a slow leak so I went to the hospital. They hooked me up to the machines after being there for a hour and a half we found out it wasnt my water. The nurse told me I would probably be back within a few hours or days. That night we just took it easy. I was so tired so at nine i went to bed! Then at 6:00 am I suddenly woke up having a contraction. I got up walked around the house, got a drink. The were very consistant about a minute long and three to five minutes apart! So i went back to bed to lay down for a minute when Jake woke up and asked what I was doing! I told him I was having contractions. He asked if they were bad I was trying to tell him yes when I started crying. He knew I was in pain then! He jumped out of bed and ran around the house getting things ready. I got in the shower and got myself already! Braxton was taking forever! He just wanted to lay there in the bed. Finally we got him dressed and we were on our way to Payson! I dont remember some parts of the ride there I was just trying not to focus on the pain. By the time we got there and checked in and the nurse hooked me up it was 7:20am. I told the nurse I wanted a epidural so she cranked everything up so I could get it faster so at 8:00 the anethesiologist came in. Jake took Braxton out he met his mom outside so she could take Braxton until Calvin was born. After the third time of trying the epidural finally worked! I was progressing fast! My doctor showed up and they started to get everthing ready. About 45 minutes before I had him I started to feel tons of pressure. I kept telling the nurse and she said it was good. By the way I didnt feel a thing with Braxton so that was new for me! I was hurting the doctor had me push and that felt better. Im not sure how many times I pushed all I know is I could feel everything! After a couple swear words Calvin was born!!! He was 6lbs 11oz and 19.5 inches long! We love him so much and so does his big brother! He is a good baby he eats and sleeps great!